Classifications: skin and mucous membrane agent; antipsoriatic; retinoid
Prototype: Isotretinoin
Pregnancy Category: X


10 mg, 25 mg capsules


Second-generation retinoid related to retinoic acid and retinol (vitamin A). Mechanism of action unknown.

Therapeutic Effects

Reduces redness, scaling, and thickness of psoriasis lesions by normalizing epidermal differentiation; also decreases stratum corneum thickness and inflammation in epidermis and dermis.


Treatment of severe recalcitrant psoriasis in patients unresponsive to or intolerant of standard therapies.


Intolerance to isotretinoin, tretinoin, vitamin A derivatives, or to parabens (preservative in etretinate formulation); severe obesity; pregnancy (category X), lactation.

Cautious Use

Cardiovascular disease or family history of; children (used only if all alternative therapies have been ineffective); hepatic impairment; diabetes mellitus, patients predisposed to hypertriglyceridemia.

Route & Dosage

Adult: PO 0.75–1 mg/kg/d in divided doses (max: 1.5 mg/kg/d), may be able to decrease to 0.5–0.75 mg/kg/d after 8–10 wk of therapy



Adverse Effects (1%)

Body as a Whole: Nearly all resemble those of hypervitaminosis A syndrome. CNS: Fatigue, headache, fever, dizziness, lethargy, amnesia, anxiety, depression, pseudotumor cerebri. CV: Edema; cardiac thrombotic or obstructive events; postural hypotension, coagulation disorders, MI (rare). Special Senses: Dry nose, nose bleeds, change in hearing, earache, otitis externa; Eye irritation, decreased night vision, eyelid abnormalities; double vision; corneal erosion and abrasions; dry eyes, eye pain, blurred vision, excessive tearing, conjunctivitis, scotomas, photophobia. GI: Abdominal pain, appetite change, stomatitis, sore tongue, thirst, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, weight loss, gingival bleeding, dry mouth. Urogenital: Abnormal menses, atrophic vaginitis, dysuria, polyuria. Hematologic: Anemia; increased or decreased serum potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, chloride, fasting blood sugars, platelets, Hgb, Hct, PTT, MCHC, prothrombin time; increased BUN, creatinine. Metabolic: Hypertriglyceridemia, hepatitis (hepatotoxicity), hypercholesterolemia, lowered HDL, increased AST, ALT, bilirubin. Musculoskeletal: Bone and joint pain, muscle cramps, myalgia, gout, hyperkinesia, hyperostosis. Respiratory: Dyspnea, coughing. Skin: Nail disorders, photosensitivity; skin fragility and peeling; changes in perspiration, hair loss, dry skin, rash, itching, skin atrophy, fissures, ulcerations; hirsutism, herpes simplex. Other: Chapped lips, cheilitis; malignant neoplasms.


Drug: Alcohol may increase plasma triglyceride levels; isotretinoin, vitamin a preparations compound toxic effects; methotrexate may increase risk of hepatotoxicity; tetracyclines may increase risk of pseudotumor cerebri. Food: Milk will increase absorption of etretinate.


Absorption: Readily absorbed from GI tract with significant first pass metabolism. Peak: 2.5–5 h. Duration: Detectable serum levels for years after discontinuation. Distribution: Accumulates in adipose tissue, liver, and subcutaneous fat; crosses placenta; distributed into breast milk. Metabolism: Metabolized in liver. Elimination: Excreted primarily in feces; some excretion in urine. Half-Life: 120 h.

Nursing Implications

Assessment & Drug Effects

Patient & Family Education

Common adverse effects in italic, life-threatening effects underlined; generic names in bold; classifications in SMALL CAPS; Canadian drug name; Prototype drug