$string = "Hello World";
echo "\$string = \"Hello World\";\r\n";
echo "01. count_chars($string,3) = " . count_chars($string,3) . "\r\n"; //This Function will count how many different characters are in string
echo "02. crc32($string) = " . crc32($string) . "\r\n"; //CRC32 Hash Calculation
echo "03. crypt($string, \"Hello World Order\") = " . crypt($string, "Hello World Order") . "\r\n"; //One Way Hash Calculation
echo "04. ($string) = " . ($string) . "\r\n"; //prints PHP String on page
echo "05. lcfirst($string) = " . lcfirst($string) . "\r\n"; //will return this string but with first character lowercase
echo "06. md5($string) = " . md5($string) . "\r\n"; //will calculate hash for this string
echo "07. metaphone($string) = " . metaphone($string) . "\r\n"; //Calculate the metaphone key of a string
echo "08. ord($string) = " . ord($string) . "\r\n"; //Returns the ASCII value of the first character of a string
echo "09. sha1($string) = " . sha1($string) . "\r\n"; //will calculate hash for this string
echo "10. soundex($string) = " . soundex($string) . "\r\n"; //Calculate the soundex key of a string
echo "11. strlen($string) = " . strlen($string) . "\r\n"; //will tell you length of PHP string
echo "12. strrev($string) = " . strrev($string) . "\r\n"; //will print this string reverse
echo "13. strtolower($string) = " . strtolower($string) . "\r\n"; //will convert string to lowercase letters
echo "14. strtoupper($string) = " . strtoupper($string) . "\r\n"; //will convert string to UPERCASE letters
echo "15. str_repeat($string.\" \", 2) = " . str_repeat($string." ", 2) . "\r\n"; //Will Repeat a string (2 times in this case) . "\r\n";
echo "16. str_rot13($string) = " . str_rot13($string) . "\r\n"; //Perform the rot13 transform on a string
echo "17. str_shuffle($string) = " . str_shuffle($string) . "\r\n"; //Will randomly mix/shufle characters from string
echo "18. ucfirst($string) = " . ucfirst($string) . "\r\n"; //will return this string but with first character UPPERCASE